Information for contributors

Journalism Education is edited by Professor Chris Frost and Dr Lada Price. The books review editor is Sean Dodson.

We accept original articles about journalism education and topics linked to journalism and education that are not offered for publication elsewhere at the time of submission. Articles for peer review should be in the range of 5,000-7,000 words.

Articles for Comment and Criticism should be shorter at about 3,000 to 4,000 words.

Articles should be submitted to the editors at, together with a 100-150 word abstract. Comment and Criticism articles can be more polemic and do not require an abstract.

Presentation and submission:

Articles should be produced in Word format, double spaced and set in Times New Roman 12pt with the minimum of formatting.

Please do not press the “enter” button to put a double space between paragraphs and do not use specialist templates. Referencing should be in standard Harvard form with citations in the form: (Simmons 1955: 404), while notes should be set as footnotes. References should put the publication title in italic, with authors’ name in the form: Jones, Brian (2004).

Please include a short (100 words) biography as a separate document.

All tables and figures should be produced separately either at the end of the article or in a separate file. Each should be clearly labelled Table 1:….. Table 2…… Fig. 1:…. Fig. 2: etc and a note inserted in the text identifying approximately where it should be placed.


Authors should confirm they have cleared all copyrighted work for publication and agree that they will indemnify the editors against claims for defamation, copyright infringement or plagiarism. All authors will be asked to sign a contract confirming this.


Papers are sent to at least two referees for comment. On return, your paper will be accepted, accepted following editing as identified by the referees, or refused.

Comment and Criticism pieces and book reviews will be decided by the editors but may be accepted on the basis that they are edited as identified.


Once accepted, authors are expected to return proofs within 72 hours of receipt.

Book Reviews:

Reviews of appropriate books should be approximately 400 words. We do not accept unsolicited reviews of books, but are always grateful to be given the opportunity to consider a review proposal.

Please contact Sean Dodson, the reviews editor, if you wish to submit a review. All book reviews should include author, title, ISBN number, publisher, number of pages and price.