Issue 13.1

The journal of the Association for Journalism Education, a body representing educators in HE in the UK and Ireland. The aim of the journal is to promote and develop analysis and understanding of journalism education and of journalism, particularly when that is related to journalism education.

You can download the full issue here.

This issue contains the following:


Community as object or action? Reconceptualising the purpose and practices of local media and journalism, David Baines, Newcastle University and Rachel Matthews, University of Coventry;

Ten years after—Ipso as the new UK press regulator: a new start or same old?, Professor Chris Frost, Liverpool John Moore University;

Reaching readers matters: What The Junction’s analytics reveal about digital audiences and the way we should teach journalism, Jeanti St Clair, Southern Cross University; Andrew Dodd, University of Melbourne; Kayt Davies, Curtin University.

Comment and Criticism

Reflections and insights from Post Graduate pandemic delivery in Scotland, James Mahon, University of the West of Scotland.

Book reviews

A Practical Guide to Digital Reporting and Publishing (4th Edition) 2019, Mark Briggs, Sage. Reviewed by Dr Kester Demmar, Journalism Programme Director at the University of Leicester;

Dynamics of Media Editing, Vincent F. Flak, published by Sage, 2020, 250 pages. ISBN 978-1506379135. Reviewed by Sean Dodson, the PG course director of Journalism and PR at Leeds Beckett University.