Journalism Education issue 3-1The fourth issue of Journalism Education, the journal of the Association for Journalism Education, a body representing educators in HE in the UK and Ireland. The aim of the journal is to promote and develop analysis and under- standing of journalism education and of journalism, particularly when that is related to journalism education.
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Can universities make good journalists? by Richard Evans, London Metropolitan University
Classic from the bookshelf: the Simple Subs Book by Leslie Sellers, reviewed by Kevin Duffy
OnLine Journalism: The Essential Guide, by Steve Hill and Paul Lashmar reviewed by Glyn Môn Hughes
When Reporters Cross the Line: The heroes, the villains, the hackers and the spies by Stewart Purvis and Jeff Hulbert reviewed by John Mair
BBC in Crisis? edited by John Mair, Richard Tait and Richard Keeble reviewed by Gary Hudson